When you work for London escorts, needless to say you think that dating London escorts is the right way to go about things. However. It is important to appreciate that dating London escorts is not for everybody. Some men that I know, would never dream of having a mistress. Then there are those men who prefer to have a mistress rather than dating London escorts. There are pros and cons to both case scenarios and it is hard to say which one is the best one.
Dating London escorts is great when you just want to enjoy female company from time to time. Perhaps you are an international businessman or a London based businessman, who just want to enjoy sexy female company when you are out for a business dinner. In that case, I think that having a permanent dating arrangement with a London escorts agency is really great. However, that does not suit everybody. That is something I have learned since I have been working as an escort in London.
There are many men who like to create an illusion if you like. They like to have a family and a wife, but come off slightly different when they are out with their business colleagues. I would go as far as to say that many of them live a double life to see your mistress. You will find that men like that may like to date London escorts, but many of them do have mistresses. They want it all and I am sure that many of them are a bit on the greedy side. Of course, they often start by dating London escorts and then realise that they want something more than that.
Is it expensive to date London escorts? I would say that it is much more expensive to have a mistress than dating London escorts. Cheap escorts in London can provide many of the services that you associate with having a mistress. But then again, if you want someone to be at your beck and call all of the time, it is better to have a mistress. What you must realise is that having a mistress will work out more expensive than dating escorts in London.
Will you mistress know you better personally? It goes without saying that a mistress will know you better on a personal basis. She will see more of you than an escort in London will do and that is how she will know you better. I know that there are many men who spend a lot of time with their favorite London escorts and they do get to know them. But, at the end of the day, London escorts date many different men. When you get really busy as a London escort, it is hard to remember everything about every client. I guess the truth is that if you want to have a very personal connection with someone, it is best to have a mistress. Then again, dating London escorts is a lot of fun.…